Thursday, September 25, 2008

Grosser Aletschgletscher

The largest glacier in Europe is called the Aletsch Glacier and it's 53 square miles. It's HUGE! We took 2 trains and one tram to get to the back side of it, then we hiked for a total of 5 hours up, over, through to follow a trail that runs along side of it. This photo doesn't even begin to show the scale of the glacier. Still to climb...a trail across from the Matterhorn in Zermatt...hopefully on Saturday, we are hoping the weather cooperates.


hlknight said...

I can't believe that glacier - amazing! Sounds like quite a trip! Have fun Saturday - hope the weather cooperates!
Ben said to tell you that the glacier is "awesome" and the sheep herding video is "hilarious!"

Corri said...

Hope you packed your ice skates.